Working with filters

You may have couple or many calendars for different purposes, Inesoft Calendar provides with the possibility to create filters at own discretion. It will provide you with the access to the certain calendar events or group of calendars. For this purpose perform the following requirements:

1. Go to Calendars 'settings';

If 'All Calendars' is selected, this means that at present the filter option isn’t enabled and Inesoft Calendar displays all your Google Calendar events and Outlook appointments.

2.a Simple filter
Select Outlook or Google calendar. Such operation will lead to filtering by calendar type: all Outlook events, or events of all Google calendars.

2.b Advanced filter

  1. Select 'Add New Filter'
  1. Enter the filter name;
  1. Mark Google calendars and/or Outlook categories you want to include to the filter.

Please note that all Google calendars are available after synchronization..


  1. Press OK to confirm your choice. A new record will appear in the list of calendars. You may edit or delete custom filters later.