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CallerID skin description

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Joined: 20 Nov 2006
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Location: Gdansk, Poland <-> Moscow, Russia

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:26 am    Post subject: CallerID skin description Reply with quote

File format description skin.ini for Inesoft CallerID 2.

Use CIDSkinPC.exe to pack it into .cid format and than copy the file to your mobile device into My Documents folder. To install a new skin, open Inesoft Address Book Options window, Skin tab and tap Add button.


No section is required, if some parameter is not set, the program will use a default value.

1. [Background Image]
Background image properties
type = see below
file = file.ext – BMP file name (default value: bgr.bmp)
posP = x,y – left upper corner coordinates in portrait mode (default value: 0,0)
sizeP = w,h – width and height in portrait mode (if not or set 0,0 the program will use a picture size)
posL = x,y - left upper corner coordinates in landscape mode (if not set, the program will use the portrait settings)
sizeL = w,h - width and height in landscape mode (if not set, the program will use the portrait settings)
posQ = x,y - left upper corner coordinates for square screen (if not set, the program will use the landscape settings)
sizeQ = w,h - width and height for square screen (if not set, the program will use the landscape settings)

2.[Background Color]
Background color settings (if no picture is set or it does not cover the whole area).
color = R,G,B – color in RGB format (255,255,255 - white; 0,0,0 - black etc.)

3.[Photo Rect]
Sets the contact picture position
posP = x,y - left upper corner coordinates in portrait mode (if not set, the program will not show a picture in portrait mode)
sizeP = w,h - width and height in portrait mode (if not set, the program will not show a picture in portrait mode)
posL = x,y - left upper corner coordinates in landscape mode (if not set, the program will use the portrait settings)
sizeL = w,h - width and height in landscape mode (if not set, the program will use the portrait settings)
posQ = x,y - left upper corner coordinates for square screen (if not set, the program will use the landscape settings)
sizeQ = w,h - width and height for square screen (if not set, the program will use the landscape settings)

4. [Button]
Sets buttons, can have more than one section
type = see below
file_up = file.ext - BMP file name for released button
file_down = file.ext – BMP file name for pressed button
id = value – button identifier, can have these values: 1 – the green button, 2 – the red button, 3 – switch the ring off, 4 – close the window
posP = x,y - left upper corner coordinates in portrait mode (if not set, the program will not show a picture in portrait mode)
sizeP = w,h - width and height in portrait mode (if not set, the program will not show a picture in portrait mode)
posL = x,y - left upper corner coordinates in landscape mode (if not set, the program will use the portrait settings)
sizeL = w,h - width and height in landscape mode (if not set, the program will use the portrait settings)
posQ = x,y - left upper corner coordinates for square screen (if not set, the program will use the landscape settings)
sizeQ = w,h - width and height for square screen (if not set, the program will use the landscape settings)
transp_color = R,G,B – color in RGB (255,255,255 - white; 0,0,0 – black, etc.) that will appear as transparent, if the parameter is not set, the bitmaps will be solid

5. [Image]
Sets a picutre, can have more than one section
file = file.ext - BMP file name
type = see below
border = 1/0, 1 – draw a border round the picture, 0 – do not draw (default value: 0), see section [Border Image] too
posP = x,y - left upper corner coordinates in portrait mode (default value: 0,0)
sizeP = w,h - width and height in portrait mode (if not set or set 0,0 the program will use the picture size)
posL = x,y - left upper corner coordinates in landscape mode (if not set, the program will use the portrait settings)
sizeL = w,h - width and height in landscape mode (if not set, the program will use the portrait settings)
posQ = x,y - left upper corner coordinates for square screen (if not set, the program will use the landscape settings)
sizeQ = w,h - width and height for square screen (if not set, the program will use the landscape settings)
transp_color = R,G,B – color in RGB (255,255,255 - white; 0,0,0 – black, etc.) that will appear as transparent, if the parameter is not set, the bitmaps will be solid

6. [Label]
Sets the block of text information, can have more than one section
type = see below
hor_align = x – horizontal alignment, can have these values: 0 – to the left, 1 – to the right, 2 - center (default value: 0)
vert_align = x – vertical alignment, can have these values: 0 - upside, 1 - downside, 2 - center (default value: 0)
fields = value1,value2,...valueN – a field set, each field can have one of these values:
time – current time
name – contact name
company – company name
job - job
phoneonly – phone number
phonetype – phone type
phone – phone number + phone type
category – contact category
nick – nick name
text – static text, set by text_val parameter
Number of fields is not limited, each field starts in a new line
text_val = some text – text used in the text line
font1...N = height,name,bold,italic – font settings for N field, where: height – font size in points, name – font name, bold - 1 or 0 (bold or usual), italic - 1 or 0 (italic or usual)
if a font is not set for some fields, the program will use the default font (9,Tahoma,0,0)
color1...N = R,G,B – a color for N field in RGB format (255,255,255 - white; 0,0,0 – black etc.)
if a font for some field is not set, the program will use the default font (9,Tahoma,0,0)
posP = x,y – left upper corner coordinates in portrait mode (if not set, the program will not show a block in portrait mode)
sizeP = w,h – width and height in portrait mode (if not set, the program will not show a block in portrait mode)
posL = x,y - left upper corner coordinates in landscape mode (if not set, the program will not show a block in landscape mode)
sizeL = w,h - width and height in landscape mode (if not set, the program will not show a block in landscape mode)
posQ = x,y - left upper corner coordinates for square screen (if not set, the program will not show a block on a square screen)
sizeQ = w,h - width and height for square screen (if not set, the program will not show a block on a square screen)

7. [Border Image]
Sets a BMP picture for the contact photo boarder, it the 'border" attribute is 1
file = file.ext – BMP file name
transp_color = R,G,B – color in RGB (255,255,255 - white; 0,0,0 – black, etc.) that will appear as transparent, if the parameter is not set, the bitmaps will be solid
width = x – the boarder, if not set or =0 then width and height of the bitmap must be divisible by 3 because the program divides the bitmap to 9 pieces:
pieces 1,3,9,7 are used to draw boarder corners
pieces 2,4,6,8 are used to draw boarder lines

Attribute type:
Used in sections [Background Image],[Button],[Image],[Label]
Sets section using rules
type = number value:
1 – unknown caller (no phone number)
2 – private caller (no phone number)
4 – phone number detected, not present in contacts
8 – phone number detected, found contact without a picture
16 - phone number detected, found contact with a picture
255 – use in all modes

to set up more than one mode, sum its values, for example: 28 (4 + 8 + 16) – for all modes when a phone number detected
when not set, the program will use default value: 255

1. To reduce a BMP file size, save it as 256 Color;
3. Create a few sections [Label] to group a call information in different ways (for example for portrait and landscape modes) and use sizeP/sizeL

To make the CallerID to show:
1. name\company\phone number block under the picture in portrait mode
2. name\company block to the right of the picture and phone number block under the picture in landscape mode
create these sections:

fields = name,company,phone
posP = 5,190
sizeP = 230,75

sizeL = 0,0

fields = name,company
sizeP = 0,0
posL = 168,30
sizeL = 146,152

fields = phone
posP = 0,0
posL = 5,190
sizeL = 230,75

3. To present the call info in different way, depending on call type, use the "type" attribute.

If on incoming call a contact with picture was found, the contact details font will be small and black under the picture, otherwise the font will be large, red and centred:

type = 16
fields = name,company,phone
hor_align = 2
vert_align = 2
posP = 5,190
sizeP = 230,75

type = 15
fields = name,company,phone
hor_align = 2
vert_align = 2
posP = 0,0
sizeP = 240,320
font1 = 20,Tahoma,1,0
color1 = 255,0,0
font2 = 20,Tahoma,1,0
color2 = 255,0,0
font3 = 20,Tahoma,1,0
color3 = 255,0,0

4. On PC use CIDSkinPC.exe file to test your skin.

Last edited by Wasyl on Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Wasyl,

I have been trying out some of the tips you have posted, they work great!

Can't wait to try out some more later! Smile
| Label Printing | Printed Labels | - PepsiCrazy
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ßâëÿþñü îáëàäàòåëåì îôèöèàëüíîé âåðñèè Inesoft Address Book è òåëåôîíà Glofiish x650. Î÷åíü ïîíðàâèëèñü íîâûå âîçìîæíîñòè, êîòîðûå ïîÿâèëèñü â âåðñèè 4 beta. Åñòü 2 âîïðîñà ïî âåðñèè 4 beta 3:

1. Inesoft CallerID.exe â ïàìÿòè çàíèìàåò áîëåå 2Ìá. Ýòî íîðìàëüíî? Â âåðñèè 4 beta 1 îí çàíèìàë îêîëî 70Êá.

2. Íå ìîãó íà ñàéòå íàéòè ñâåæóþ âåðñèþ ðåäàêòîðà ñêèíîâ äëÿ CallerID CIDSkinPC.exe. Òà âåðñèÿ CIDSkinPC.exe, êîòîðàÿ ó ìåíÿ åñòü îò 29.01.2008ã. íåêîððåêòíî ðàáîòàåò ñî ñêèíîì standard_v.cid, âñå ýëåìåíòû îòîáðàæàåò â 2 ðàçà áîëüøå, ÷åì îíè åñòü íà ñàìîì äåëå, â ñëåäñòâèå ÷åãî íà ýêðàíå âèäíî òîëüêî 1/4 ÷àñòü ñêèíà
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am a 3-years-very-satisfied user of Address Book 2.
It's not about money (I pay you the upgrade price to 6.0) but functionality. Really.
I needed to know how to make CallerID 2.1 only take parts of the screen.
I just installed TrueCaller ( which only takes about 200 pixels (right from top) of my 800 height. It was easy to show all information of AB2.1 in a window starting at 0,200.

Again, just for making that possible I paid you the full upgrade price to 6.x.
So, how would I enable a window that starts at 0,200?

Thanks, Frank
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