Schedule of Cash Operations

You enter some cash operation in the Schedule to get dun of it in the future. For example, you know exact features of forthcoming payments and enter them in the Schedule (Time-Table) to avoid forgetting them. 

You can select repeating the scheduled operation as often as necessary.

Regular transaction scheduling

Assume that you need to appoint an order of quarterly payments for electricity. 

Every month 40$ are drawn from your bank account (conditionally "West Pack"). Having set the order of the regular transaction, you'll avoid entering the payment manually every time.

for HPC for Pocket PC и PsPC

1. Move to "Planner" window

1. Move to "Planner" window

2. Click "New Time-Table" (or press "N" key) to enter a new time-table.

2. Click "New" to enter a new time-table.

3. In "Time-Table Properties" dialog box, enter "Electric direct debit" instead of <_New_Time_Table_> and 40 in "Amount".

3. In "Time-Table Properties" dialog box, enter "Electric direct debit" instead of < New Scheduled > and 40 in "Amount".

4. Keep the same currency (USD).

5. In "Start" field, switch the date to the beginning of the forthcoming month. Assume that you pay at the beginning of each month.

5. Switch the date to the beginning of the forthcoming month. Assume that you pay at the beginning of each month.

6. Set "Monthly" in "Repeat" field. This means that the transaction is effected every month.

6. Press the button ("Repeat").

Set "Monthly" in "Repeat" field. This means that the transaction is effected every month.

7. As soon as you have selected "Monthly" in "Repeat" field, one more field appears below and you can set number of the transaction repetition. "Ongoing entry" (with no limitation) is set..

8. Press the button . You'll switch to a window with the transaction additional data

8. Press the button ("Properties") 

9. Press the button . "Category & [Transfer] List" dialog box appears:  

Select "Utilities" category and then "Gas & Electric" and press "OK".

Note:    You can also enter "Utilities: Gas & Electric" in "Category" field and this means the same.

9. Press the button or Category . Category/Transfer Selectdialog box appears:  

Select "Utilities" category and then "Gas & Electric" and press "OK".

Note:    You can also enter "Utilities: Gas & Electric" in "Category" field and this means the same.

10. Enter "My Work" in "Project" field. This means that the scheduled transaction concerns your.

Note:    you won't mix up house and work expenses in the future.

11.  Press “OK”. 

"Electric direct debit" line appears in the list of scheduled transactions. An icon (Cycle) means that the transaction is supposed to be effected more than once.

Scheduled Transaction Realization.

Assume that today is the first day of the month appointed to be the first month of the payment.

for HPC for Pocket PC and PsPC

1. Move to "Account" window.

1. Move to accountWest Pack”.

2. Select a day of the next month beginning and enter it in "Prognosis" field.

For example, select the 1st of June 2000. Press Enter key.

"Electric direct debit" line appears below "<_New_Transaction_>" in the Transaction Ledger. 

All the transactions seen below the "<_New_Transaction_>" line are scheduled (all marked with ) and not considered in Balance.

If you press: " " this will call a window containing the more detailed structure of the scheduled transactions for the selected date. In the case considered before the total amount of the scheduled payments is -40$.


2. Select a day of the next month beginning and enter it in "Prognosis" field.

For example, select the 1st of May 2001. Then click the transaction list:

"Electric direct debit" line appears below "<_New_Transaction_>" in the Transaction Ledger. 

All the transactions seen below the "<_New_Transaction_>" line are scheduled (all marked with ) and not considered in Balance.

If you press: "" &this will call a window containing the more detailed structure of the scheduled transactions for the selected date. In the case considered before the total amount of the scheduled payments is -40$.


3. Assume that you have already paid electricity via your bank. To realize the scheduled transaction, you must press an icon "" with the pen. A dialog box appears:

Press “Yes”.

The same can be done by pressing "ОК" in the Payment's Properties.


4. You've just turned a scheduled transaction into existing one. You can see some changes in the Balance:


4. You've just turned a scheduled transaction into existing one. You can see some changes in the Balance:

Transaction Scheduling and Partial Realization.

Often, a name of a scheduled transaction must indicate the date of the transaction. For example: "Salary (February)". If the transaction is regular, you can select to change the month's name automatically.

For HPC For Pocket PC и PsPC

1. Switch to "Planner" window.

2. To create a new time-table, press "New Time-Table".

2. To create a new time-table, press "New".

3. Enter "Salary {month}" as the name of the time-table and "2000" in Amount field. Keep USD as currency. Transaction type is Deposit.

3. Enter "Salary {month}" as the name of the time-table and "2000" in Amount field. Keep USD as currency.

4. Press the button "" Enter a beginning date of the forthcoming month in "Start" field. Select "Monthly" in "Repeat". 



4. Enter a beginning date of the forthcoming month . Press the button . Select "Monthly" in "Repeat"

5. Press the button "" Enter "Salary" in "Category" field and "My Work" in "Project" field.



5. Press the button "" Enter "Salary" in "Category" field and "My Work" in "Project" field.  

6. Press "OK" to finish the time-table. 

Scheduled transactions (Salary) Realization.

On having completed salary time-table, we can go further to its realization.

for HPC for Pocket PC и PsPC

1. Switch to "Account" window.

1. Switch to accountWest Pack”.

2. In "Prognosis" field set the date for three months ahead and press Enter:


2. In "Prognosis" field set the date for three months ahead. Then click the transaction list to renew the list of scheduled operations.

3. In the transactions list you can see some transactions marked with yellow. These are transactions you have scheduled. 

Note that names of the transactions ("Salary") are completed with months (July, August and September).

3. In the transactions list you can see some transactions marked with red, yellow or gray. These are transactions you have scheduled. All of them follow the line <New Payment>.

Note that the words Salary are always followed by months' names (April, May, June).

4. You and your company management agreed that you receive an advance of your May salary at the amount of $500.

5. Select "Salary (May)". Move to "Transaction Properties" and in "Amount" field replace 2000 with 500.


5. Select "Salary (May)". Move to "Transaction Properties" and in the "Amount" field replace 2000 with 500.


6. Press OK. A dialog box appears:

Press "Yes".

7.  The scheduled transaction is partially realized. 

A transaction of $500 exists and the program won't forget that you have already received the advance in May and it's only $1500 to be received

The screen now looks as follows:

7. The scheduled transaction is partially realized. 

A transaction of $500 exists and the program won't forget that you have already received the advance in May and it's only $1500 to be received

The screen now looks as follows:

Partial payments are very convenient when you borrow or lend some money to anyone. Then, on paying or getting back any amount of your money you just write them off.

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